During his careers as an international civil servant, academic and media activist, Guy Berger:
- Published more than 60 books/monographs and/or chapters in books.
- Delivered more than 250 invited lectures
As a UNESCO employee, he oversaw more than 40 publications in 10 years, and published more than ten chapters and articles in external books and journals.
A selection of policy relevant outputs:
UNESCO and Research ICT Africa (2023). Platform problems and Regulatory Solutions.
Research ICT Africa (2023). Digital governance and the challenges for trust and safety, commissioned by UNESCO.
Oversight of UNESCO publications:
Intensive editorial engagement (including conceptual and linguistic editing) with the following:
2018. What if we all governed the Internet? Advancing multistakeholder participation in Internet governance
2017. Survey on Privacy in Media and Information Literacy with Youth Perspectives
2017. Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age
2017. Human rights and encryption
2017. Privacy, free expression and transparency: redefining their new boundaries in the digital age
2016. Principles for governing the Internet: A comparative analysis
2015. Countering online hate speech
2015. Building digital safety for journalism: a survey of selected issues
2014. Fostering freedom online: the role of Internet intermediaries
2013. Global survey on Internet Privacy and Freedom of Expression
World Trends Reports on Freedom of Expression and Media Development (WTR series):
2022. Global Report 2021/2022
2022. Journalism and whistleblowing
2022. Safety of journalists covering trauma and distress ‘Do no harm’
2022. Finding the funds for journalism to thrive
2021. Threats that Silence: Trends in the Safety of Journalists
2021. Freedom of expression and the safety of foreign correspondents: trends, challenges and responses
2021. Letting the sun shine in: transparency and accountability in the digital age
2020. Safety of journalists covering protests : preserving freedom of the press during times of turmoil
2020. Reporting facts: free from fear or favour
2019. Media and elections in digital times. Summary at: https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/in_focus_world_trends_report_2019_brochure_final_2.pdf
2019. Access to information: a new promise for sustainable development
2019. Intensified attacks, new defences: developments in the fight to protect journalists and end impunity
2019. 5 regional chapters related to the WTR Global Report
2018. WTR Global Report 2017/2018
2015. WTR Special digital focus
2014. WTR Global Report
UNESCO series on journalism education
2023. Teaching journalism remotely
2023. Reporting on Artificial Intelligence: a handbook for journalism educators.
2022. Media and the coverage of terrorism: manual for trainers and journalism educators
2021. Reporting on migrants and refugees: handbook for journalism educators
2019. Reporting on Violence against Women and Girls
2018. Journalism, Fake News and Disinformation
2017. Model Course on the Safety of Journalists
2017. Terrorism and the Media: A Handbook for Journalists
2015. Teaching journalism for sustainable development: new syllabi
2013. Climate change in Africa: a guidebook for journalists.
2013. Model curricula for journalism education: a compendium of new syllabi
2012. The global investigative journalism casebook
Media Development Indicators reports with policy recommendations:
Dominican Republic
The Gambia
eSwatini (Swaziland)
Journalists Safety Indicators reports
Other UNESCO publications:
2022. STUDY: UNESCO Media Viability Indicators Research Study Jamaica
2019. Gender, Media & ICTs: New approaches for research, education & training
2019. Steering AI and advanced ICTs for Knowledge Societies
2017. Youth and Violent Extremism on Social Media. Mapping the research.
2016. Opportunities for Media and Information Literacy in the Middle East and North Africa.
2016. Media and Information Literacy: Reinforcing Human Rights, Countering Radicalization and Extremism. (MILID Yearbook 2016)
2015. Draft Media Viability Indicators
2015. Media and Information Literacy for the Sustainable Development Goals (MILID Yearbook 2015)
2015. Keystones to foster inclusive Knowledge Societies.
2015. Media in support of sustainable development and a culture of peace.
Other recent publications
2022. Overview, in Tracing the footprints of the Windhoek Declaration and Charting the Windhoek +30 Declaration, Windhoek: Editors’ Forum of Namibia (EFN
2022. Foreword. In Wasserman, H and Madrid-Morales D, Disinformation in the Global South. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
2020. New Opportunities in Monitoring Safety of Journalists through the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Media and Communication. Vol 8, no. 2. www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/2660
2019. How UNESCO’s ROAM can reinvigorate Internet governance. Chapter in: Towards a Global Framework for CyberPeace and Digital Cooperation: An Agenda for the 2020s. Kleinwachter, W; Ketteman, M.C; Senges, M; and Mosene, K. (eds). Berlin: Internet Governance Forum.
2019. Getting from the global to the local: Norms and systems for protecting journalists in the times of the sustainable development goals. Article in conflict & communication online, Vol.18, No.1. http://www.cco.regener-online.de/2019_1/pdf/berger2019.pdf
2019. UNESCO’s safety of journalists agenda: what impact. Australian Journalism Review. Vol 40, no 2. December 29-36.
2019. Whither MIL: Thoughts for the Road Ahead. Chapter in Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Digital Age. A Question of Democracy. (ed). Ulla Carlsson, Goteborg: Nordicom.
2019. How scholarship on media development can make a difference. Chapter in International media development: historical perspectives and new frontiers. (eds. Abbott, S; Benequista, N; Mano, W; and Rothman, P.). New York: Peter Lang publishing.
2019. Foreword. In Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy. Eds. Vega Montiel, A and Macharia, S. Paris. UNESCO. ISBN: 978-92-3-100321-9
2019. Foreword. In Gender, Media and ICTs. Eds. French, L; Vega Montiel, A; Padovani, C. Paris: UNESCO. ISBN : 978-92-3-100320-2
2019. Foreword. In Journalism, Fake News and Disinformation https://en.unesco.org/fightfakenews Paris:UNESCO ISBN: 978-92-3-100281-6
2018. UNESCO’s contemporary response to media and the issues of peace and violent conflict. In Journalisme pour la paix et résolution de conflit dans les médias I. Eds. Bakti, A.F ; Giguère, P and Théorêt, Y. Paris: Les Éditions de l’Immatériel. ISBN: 979-10-91636-14-8
2018. Is There a Future for Journalism? Journalism Practice, 12:8, 939-953, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2018.1516117
2017: Afterword (with Banda, F). Journalism Education in the BRICS Countries. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. 72(3) 319-321.
2017. Taking stock of contemporary journalism education. The end of the classroom as we know it. (with Joe Foote). Chapter in Global Journalism Education in the 21st Century. Challenges and Innovations. (Eds. Goodman, R.S. and Steyn, E). Austin: Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.
2017. Why the World Became Concerned with Journalistic Safety, and Why the Issue Will Continue to Attract Attention. Chapter in The Assault on Journalism. Building knowledge to protect freedom of expression. (Eds. Carlsson, U and Pöyhtäri, R). Göteborg: Nordicom.
2017. The universal norm of freedom of expression – towards an unfragmented Internet. In The Net and the Nation State. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Internet Governance. (Ed: Kohl, U). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
2017. Foreword. InNegotiating Journalism. Core values and cultural diversities. (eds. Frey, E; Rhaman, M and El Bour, H). Göteborg: Nordicom
2017. Expressing the changes: International perspectives on evolutions in the right to free expression, chapter in The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights. (Eds. Tumber, H and Waisbord, S.) London and New York: Routledge
2013: Mapping Freedom of Expression. A Global Endeavour. Chapter in: Freedom of Expression Revisited. Citizenship and Journalism in the Digital Era. (Ed. Carlsson, U). Göteborg: Nordicom
2013. Journalism in the global agenda. Rhodes Journalism Review, 33 (49-51)
2012: Considering Community Radio in Africa. Chapter in “Foundations of Community Journalism” (eds. Reader, B and Hatcher, J.A). Thousand Oaks: SAGE
Publications prior to the author joining UNESCO:
2011. Best practice in media self-regulation: A three-way test to avoid selective borrowing and ad hoc transplants. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 32 (2): 36-57
2011. Empowering the youth as citizen journalists: A South African experience. Journalism. 12(6): 708 – 726.
2011. Image revisions: South Africa, Africa, and the 2010 World Cup. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies 31(2), 174-190
2011. Africa can do it again, but the media needs friends. Guest editorial, Rhodes Journalism Review, 31, 1. http://rjr.ru.ac.za/rjrpdf/rjr_no31/Africa_can_do_it.pdf
2011. Media in Africa 20 years on: our past, present and future. Windhoek: Media Institute of Southern Africa. http://www.misa.org/wpfd/WPFD%20briefing%20paper%20update%20for%20web.pdf
2011. What It Means to Work Toward “Excellence” in African Journalism Education. In Franklin, B and Mensing, D. Journalism Education, Training and Employment. (33-47). New York: Routledge.
2011. Contested media environments in South Africa: the making of communications policy since 1994. In Shapiro, S. and Tebeau, K. (Eds). After Apartheid. Reinventing South Africa? Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. (332-360).
2010. The struggle for press self-regulation in contemporary South Africa: Charting a course between an industry charade and a government doormat. Communicatio, 36: (3): 289-308
2010. Journalism teachers building a global community. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 65(2), 158-167
2010: J-teachers getting their international act together, Rhodes Journalism Review, (30), 3-4.
2010. Social organising of African journalism educators. In “Focus on FAME, an RJR special feature”. Rhodes Journalism Review, (30), 11.
2010. South Africa’s press is under pressure, and it’s serious. Commonwealth Journalists Association, CJA E-letter. (33) October 2010. 3-4
2010. Problematizing ‘media development’ as a bandwagon gets rolling. International Communication Gazette, 72(7) 547-567
2010. Foreword. In Nathalie Hyde Clarke (Ed), The Citizen in Communication Re-visiting traditional, new and community media practices in South Africa. (pp iii-v). Claremont: Juta.
2010. Contributor to Journalism Unions in touch with the Future. A report of the International Federation of Journalists. Brussells: International Federation of Journalists. pp1-45.
2010. Update of “South Africa: Media System” Section in International Encyclopedia of Communication. www.Communicationencyclopedia.com. Hoboken, USA: Blackwell Publishing.
2010: Challenges and Perspectives of Digital Migration for African Media. Dakar: Panos Institute of West Africa. (Book) http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext//Digitalmigration.pdf
2010. with Picard, RG, and Alberto, F P. Study on the Socioeconomic Dimension of the Unauthorized Use of Signals – Part III: Study on the Social and Economic Effects of the Proposed Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations. Document SCCR/21/2. www.wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/copyright/en/sccr_21/sccr_21_4.doc
2009. Beyond broadcasting: The future of state-owned broadcasters in Southern Africa. Grahamstown: Highway Africa. Available at
www.highwayafrica.com or http://nml.ru.ac.za/files/fesreport.pdf.
2009. (ed). Freedom of Expression, Access to Information and Empowerment of People. Paris: UNESCO. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=28329&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
2009. Does journalism training make sense? And if yes, when and why? In Conflict Prevention in the Multimedia Age. (Eds. Schmidt, C; Solbach,W and von Boemcken, M). Bonn: Deutsche Welle. pp.212-219
2009. How to improve standards of journalism education. African Communication Research. 2(2), 271-290
2009. How the Internet Impacts on International News. Exploring Paradoxes of the Most Global Medium in a Time of ‘Hyperlocalism’. International Communication Gazette 71(5), 355–371
2009. Journalism Takes Flight. Rhodes Journalism Review. (29), 33-34
2009. Review article: Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy (by Barbie Zelizer, Sage 2004). Journal of African Media Studies. 1(2), 329-331
2009. The poverty of journalism and the politics of reporting poverty statistics in South Africa. Nordicom Review. 30 (Jubilee Issue), 197-208. Pre-publication version at: http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext/poverty%20debate%20paper%20for%20Nordicom.doc
2008. Sing a swansong for SABC as we know it. Rhodes Journalism Review, (28), 32-33. http://www.rjr.ru.ac.za/rjrpdf/rjr_no28/swansong_for_sabc.pdf
2008. From content to conversation. Can cellphones be used for journalism? Rhodes Journalism Review, (28), 70-71. http://www.rjr.ru.ac.za/rjrpdf/rjr_no28/content_conversation.pdf
2008. ‘A paradigm in process: What the scapegoating of Vusi Mona signalled about South African journalism’, Communicatio, (34)1, 1-20. http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext/hefer%20paradigm%20repair5.doc (Pre-publication version).
2008. Towards defining ‘Potential Centres of Excellence’ in African journalism training. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 147-162
2008. Why the 1977 clampdown compels us to champion the constitution. In: Remembering Black Wednesday. IAJ Journal, October 2007. http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext/iaj%20oct%2019%20contribution%20-%20Guy%20Berger.doc (Pre-publication version).
2008. Take a pre-election tour tailored for journalists and politicians. New Agenda: S A Journal of Social and Economic Policy. Fourth Quarter, December Issue, 2008. (32). Pre-publication version at:
2008. SABC became a “soap opera”. But it’s educational. Media Development. 40(1) 15-18.
(Pre-publication version).
Also at: http://deepdishwavesofchange.blogspot.com/2009/05/sabc-became-soap-opera-but-its.html
2008. (with Sim Kyazze). Consultation Meeting: Capacity Building for Potential Centres of Excellence in Journalism Training in Africa Report. Rhodes University, South Africa, 17-18 March http://nml.ru.ac.za/files/FINAL%20REPORT%20African%20Journalism%20Schools%20consultation%2011.pdf
2008. (with Denis Ocwich) A Report of a Follow-up Meeting of UNESCO j-schools, held September 11, 2008 at the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Grahamstown: UNESCO and Rhodes University. http://nml.ru.ac.za/files/Unesco%20j-schools%20September%20meeting%20report%20final.doc
2008. (With Elizabeth Barratt). The extraordinary editor. A handbook for South Africa media leaders. Johannesburg: South African National Editors Forum. http://nml.ru.ac.za/blog/guy-berger/2008/11/20/incredible-editors.html
2008. (with Sipho January). Cellphone journalism – a guide to getting started. Grahamstown: Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies. https://www.ru.ac.za/documents/JMS/Cellphone%20Journalism%20Booklet.pdf
2008. (with Fackson Banda). How to assess your media landscape. Brussels: Global Forum for Media Development. Available at:
2007. Media Legislation in Africa – a comparative legal survey, Paris: UNESCO, and Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies. Also online at: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=1657&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
2007. Fifty Years of Journalism. African media since Ghana’s independence. (co-editor with Elizabeth Barratt). Grahamstown: Highway Africa, The African Editors Forum and the Media Foundation West Africa.
Chapter by Guy Berger: Looking ahead: what next for African media
2007. South Africa. Section in International Encyclopedia of Communication. www. Communicationencyclopedia.com. Hoboken, USA: Blackwell Publishing.
2007. Characteristics of African media markets, in Jannusch, A Sophie. 2007. Money matters. How Independent Media Manage to Survive. Bonn: Forum Medien und Entwicklung, Konrad Adenaeur Stiftung. pp19-31. Online at:
2007. New Media and Press Freedom in the Developing World, in James, B. (ed). 2007 New Media. The Press Freedom Dimension. Paris: World Press Freedom Committee and World Association of Newspapers. Pp14-20. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=25143&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
2007. Modernization and Africa’s Emerging Engagement with the Information Society, in Everett, A and Wallace, A.J. 2007. AfroGEEKS. Beyond the Digital Divide. Santa Barbara:Center for Black Studies Research,University of California, Santa Barbara. pp 235-254.
2007. Education is a spring… it bubbles. Rhodes Journalism Review. (27), 30-31
2007. (co-authored with Denis Jjuuko). Reconciling Editorial Independence and Public Accountability Issues in Public Broadcasting Service: Editorial Policies at South African Broadcasting Corporation. Communicare. 26(1), 92-113.
2007. In search of journalism education excellence in Africa: Summary of the 2006 Unesco project. Ecquid Novi. 28 (1&2), 149-155
2007. What is there in media for poor women and men? In Whose Voices? Media and Pluralism in the Context of Democratisation. Proceedings of a conference and workshop in Uppsala, September 20-21. pp 87-98.
2006: Professionalism and training for mass communication: challenges and opportunities for Southern Africa. Open Space, journal of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa. Pp 38-42.
2006. Press freedom day article. Grocott’s Mail, October 19.
2006. Review, Francis Nyamnjoh. Africa’s Media: Democracy and the Politics of Belonging. (London & New York, Zed Books; Pretoria, Unisa Press). Journal of Southern African Studies. 32(3), 642-4
2006. From the margins to mainstream: African ICT reporting comes of age. Grahamstown, Rhodes University: Highway Africa. http://highwayafrica.ru.ac.za/publications/files/Margins_to_%20Mainstream_Web.pdf
2006. South Africa chapter (with Anne Taylor) in Mixed Signals. Lusaka: Panos Institute.
2006. (editor) Part of the Story: ten years of the SA National Editors Forum, written by Liz Barratt. Johannesburg: SANEF.
2006. What the Newsroom Knows: Managing knowledge within African newspapers. Grahamstown: Highway Africa. (PDF copy at http://www.highwayafrica.ru.ac.za/publications.cfm)
2006. From the Margins to the Mainstream: African ICT reporting comes of age. Grahamstown: Highway Africa. PDF copy at http://www.highwayafrica.ru.ac.za/publications.cfm
2005. South Africa. In: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2005) Media and Democracy: The KAF Democracy Report 2005. Bonn: Bouvier Verlag. pp 248-267.
2005. (ed) Doing Digital Journalism. How Southern African newsgatherers are using ICT. Grahamstown: New Media Lab & Highway Africa.
2005. (ed) Absent Voices, Missed Opportunities. Media silence on ICT policy issues in six African countries. Grahamstown: Highway Africa
2005. Media in the Mix. Chapter in Olifant, A; Delius, P and Meltzer, L (eds) Democracy X. Marking the present. Re-presenting the Past. Pretoria: Unisa Press. pp 203-210.
2005. South African journalism: current challenges. Chapter in Changing the Fourth Estate: essays on South Africa journalism. Edited by Adrian Hadland, Pretoria: HSRC press. pp19-26. Online at: http://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/downloadpdf.php?pdffile=files%2FPDF%2F2092%2F2092_01_Changing_the_Fourth_Estate%7E02082005115229AM.pdf&downloadfilename=Changing%20the%20Fourth%20Estate%3A%20Essays%20on%20South%20African%20journalism%20-%201%20Current%20challenges
2005. Editorial Independence and Public Accountability in PBS. In Eashwar, SS (ed). Promoting Peace and Prosperity In a Globalised World. Asia Media Summit 2005. Kuala Lumpur: Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcast Development. ISBN 983-41053-3-9. pp 111-129.
2005. Harnessing Newsroom Knowledge. Rhodes Journalism Review. (25), 22.
2005. Coming soon is the anniversary of the dark day when apartheid’s Justice Minister Jimmy Kruger outlawed three newspapers. Daily Dispatch, 5 October.
2005. “Fit for purpose” – towards tracking the quality of university education
of entry-level journalists. Ecquid Novi. 26(2), 37-60
2004. Media Transformation scorecard. Journal of Marketing. 10(2), 36
2004. WSIS misses. But media could make it a hit. Media Development. (3)12 -16
2004. The new media maelstrom. New technologies promise a wealth of media and messages. Rhodes Journalism Review. (24), 39.
2004. Problematizing race for journalists: critical reflections on the South African Human Rights Commission Inquiry. Race, Gender & Class. 11(2). (First published in Critical Arts, 15(1-2)).
2004. When pride is a virtue. Centennial. Rhodes University Centenary Magazine, p52-545
2004. More media for Southern Africa? The place of politics, economics and convergence in developing media density. Critical Arts, 18(1), 3-76
2004. Media ethics and the Hefer Commission. In Levy, N (ed). Balancing secrecy and transparency in a democracy. Hefer Commission. The Case Study. Mafekeng: South African National Academy of Intelligence, pp. 103-142
2004. Media and AIDS: How journalists can do better, in Eashwar, SS (ed). Dialogue, Understanding and Tolerance. First Asia Media Summit 2004. 209-215. Kuala Lumpur: Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development. http://download.aibd.org.my/books/Responses_to_Globalization.pdf
2004. Introduction to book: Travelling Light. Pietermaritzburg: University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, 2004. (Photography by Paul Weinberg).
2003. South Africa chapter in So This is Democracy? Windhoek: Media Institute of Southern Africa. pp71-74
2003. Giving marriage a good name. 22 September 2003. http://www.equality.org.za/opinion/#berger
2003. Press vs Public Enemy no. 1. Rhodes Journalism Review. (22), 48-9. http://www.rjr.ru.ac.za/The%20Quest.pdf, and at http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext/RJRPOVERTY.doc
2003: Interrogate the Information Society. Rhodes Journalism Review. (23), 7-10. December. Republished in Intermedia magazine, April, 2004, 32 (1), 8-13.
2003. When Cultural Content and Information Technology Converge. The Southern African Journal of Information and Communication. 2 (1) http://link.wits.ac.za/journal/j0201-gb.htm.
2002. Can Newspapers Survive the Digital Revolution? Online Journalism Review http://www.ojr.org/ojr/forums/forum.php?ID=18396
2002. Future News: First World, Fourth World. Online Journalism Review. http://www.ojr.org/ojr/forums/forum.php?ID=7116
2002. Theorizing the media-democracy relationship in Southern Africa. Gazette. 64 (1), 21-46
2002. Seeing past race: politics of the HRC’s inquiry into racial representation. Ecquid Novi. 23(2), 254-277.
Available at: http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/Research/ecquid.doc 2001.
2002: Claiming your place in cyberspace. Intermedia. (http://www.iicom.org/intermedia/latest_issue/Web_July_02/Berger.htm) and
2002: Deepening media density: what South African freedom shows us.
Guy Berger, Article for The Round Table. (366), 533- 544 http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/fulltext/convergencecwealthshort.doc
2002: Deepening media density: convergence is the key. Free Press. Windhoek, Media Institute of Southern Africa.
2002: Deracialisation, democracy and development: transformation of the South African media 1994-2000. in Media, democracy and renewal in Southern Africa, (ed) Tomaselli, K and Dunn, H. Colorado Springs: International Academic Publishers.
2001. Configuring convergence: southern African websites looking at American experience. Grahamstown, Rhodes University New Media Lab.
2001. It’s the training that did it. (self-published) http//:guyberger/ru/ac/za/Research/Journalism%20education/trainimpact.htm
2001. Problematizing race for journalists: critical reflections on the South African Human Rights Commission inquiry into media racism. Critical Arts, 15(1-2)
Pre-publication version available at: http://guyberger.ru.ac.za/Research/problematise.doc
2001. Review article: The Drum Decade – Stories from the 950s, (ed.) Chapman, M. Durban: University of Natal Press. In Wordstock, 29 June 2001.
2001. The trouble with race. Rhodes Journalism Review. (20), 43,57
2000. Response to Boloka and Krabill. Transformation, (43), 75-89.
2000. Trains-formation. Rhodes Journalism Review. August. (19), 51 http://journ.ru.ac.za/rjr
2000. Over the rainbow. Rhodes Journalism Review. August. (19), 31. http://journ.ru.ac.za/rjr
2000. Foreword. South Africa’s resistance press. Alternative voices in the last generation under apartheid. Eds Switzer, L and Adhikari, M. Athens: Ohio University Center for International Studies. pp. xi-xiv
2000. Publishing for the people: the alternative press 1980-1999. in The Politics of Publishing in South Africa. Eds, Evans, N and Seeber, M. London: Holger Ehling Publishing; Scottsville: University of Natal Press. pp. 73-103
2000. editor, African Media Online, 2nd ed., written by Kameshnee Naidoo.NML occasional publication, Rhodes University department of Journalism and Media Studies.
1999. Introduction, in So this is democracy? Review of press freedom in SADC countries during 1998, Windhoek: Media Institute of Southern Africa.
1999. Towards an analysis of the South African Media in the Transformation, 1994-1999, Transformation, (38), 84-116
1999. Grave New World, Journalism Studies, 1(1), 81-99
1999. 21 Qs and As to get you in gear to cover the election. Rhodes Journalism Review. (17), 21.
1998. Review Article: Press Time: Black Publishing Then and Now. Transformation. (36), 93-101.
1998. Media and democracy in Southern Africa. Review of African Political Economy, (78), 599-610.
1998. editor. Travelling the data highway. written by Kameshnee Naidoo, NML occasional publication, Rhodes University department of Journalism and Media Studies.
1997. editor. Old Media to New. written by Kameshnee Naidoo, NML occasional publication, Rhodes University department of Journalism and Media Studies.
1997: Racial challenges facing the media. The IAJ Journal, 2(3), November.
1996: The higher you climb, the further you fall. Rhodes Journalism Review. (11), 5,47.
1996: Educating the journalism educators, Communicatio, 21(1), 77-79.
Also at: http://journ.ru.ac.za/staff/berger‑claasen.htm
1995: The Internet: A Goldmine for Editors and Reporters, Grahamstown: New Media Lab, Rhodes University.
1995: Training for Transformation: Journalism in the 1990s. Ecquid Novi. 16(1‑2), 86‑92.
1995: “International Experience: Government Communication and Media Policy”, paper presented at the Conference of Government Communicators, Arniston, 25‑ 27 August. Published on the Internet by the SA Communications Services: http://www/sacs.org.za/cgi-bin/vdkw cgi/xab474d84-60/search/4147906/.
1995: “New Barons of the Press” Index on Censorship, 1995 (3) p125‑132.
1995: New Tricks for the Newspaper Trade: an old watchdog tastes press freedom and the information age. (inaugural lecture, 20 September, Rhodes University booklet)
1994, ‘Down with bureaucratic sloth! Who should drive development? The government, NGOs or the people themselves?’ Leading Edge, (1), 30-34.
1994: Media, Freedom and Responsibility: Understanding Ethics. In Writing for the Media, ed. Francois Nel, Southern Press, 1994.
1993: July: “Guest editorial: the Independent Media Diversity Trust”, Rhodes Journalism Review. (6), 7-9.
1992: December: “Facing the challenge of an ailing industry”, in Rhodes Journalism Review, December.
1992: November: “Community and media”. Speech delivered at graduation ceremony of the Community Arts Project, Cape Town. Published in The Other Newsletter, February 1993, Issue no. 5.
1992: Social Structure and Rural Development in the Third World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (softcover edition published in 2008).